You do not have to do anything specific other than DO NOT brush your teeth 3 HOURS before your teeth whitening treatment. You may want to put some lip balm on just before your appointment as your lips will dry slightly. (Though we have more than enough to share)
We do however recommend your usual 6-12 monthly regular visit to the dentist, so just go whenever you are due.
For the following 24-48 hours After Treatment you must:
Some food and drink you can consume after teeth whitening
Of all the questions we’re asked after treatments on our customers, ‘What food and drink can I have?’ is the one that we’re asked more frequently than any others. That tells us one thing – we need to have a a go-to page that lists all the food and drink you can consume immediately after your teeth whitening treatment.
Here is a list of clear drinks and ‘white foods’ that are perfectly fine for eating and drinking after a treatment.
– Skinless chicken/turkey (minus the fat)
– White fish
– White rice
– White pasta
– White cheese
– Cauliflower
– White onion
– Egg whites
– Peeled potatoes cooked to your liking
– Crustless white bread
– Rice Crispies (yes, the Kelloggs ones – good to know for breakfast)
– Bananas
– Still / sparkling water
– Tonic/soda water
– White lemonade
– Skimmed milk
– Clear coconut water (not milk!)
– Clear alcohol mixed with clear mixers (gin and tonic, vodka and white etc)
Copyright © 2018 Hollywood Smiles Teeth Whitening - All Rights Reserved.
Also prepping for your appointment is really important and aftercare is very helpful with maintaining your Hollywood Smile! Please Read Pre and Post Treatment Section to get the best out of your visit with us as well.